Persidangan Antarabangsa Linguistik
International Conference on Linguistics
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
The selected full papers of the conference will be reviewed (double-blind review) and published in one of the following journals based on the aim and scope of the journals and the papers’ quality (design, methodology, analysis, discussion, and language and style):
- 3L ; Journal of Language, Linguistics and Literature (Indexed in Scopus and Clarivate Analytics-ESCI)
- AKADEMIKA (Abstracted and Indexed in Scopus and Clarivate Analytics -ESCI)
- GEMA ; Online Journal of Language Studies (Indexed in Scopus and Clarivate Analytics -ESCI)
- Jurnal Komunikasi ; Malaysian Journal of Communication (Indexed in Scopus and Clarivate Analytics -ESCI)
The publication fee will be paid by the writer(s) to the respective journal.
Penyelidikan dalam linguistik boleh melibatkan linguistik formal dan linguistik tak formal. Gabungan kedua-dua elemen ini dalam penyelidikan boleh menyebabkan wujudnya penyelidikan multidisiplin. Penyelidikan multidisiplin mampu menghasilkan inovasi baru dalam linguistik. Inovasi berlaku dari segi kaedah kajian, penggunaan data yang empirikal, pengaplikasian teori linguistik, penghasilan analisis linguistik kritis dan lain-lain. Contoh bentuk multidisiplin yang berlaku pada hari ini antara lain ialah penggabungan dua atau lebih bidang dalam subdisiplin linguistik atau dikenali juga sebagai kajian yang bersifat antaramuka, kaedah penyelidikan antara disiplin dan sebagainya. Sehubungan ini, PALing@UKM 2018 mengambil peluang menghimpunkan pengkaji-pengkaji bahasa mempersembahkan hasil analisis multidisiplin linguistik mereka.
Research in linguistics involves formal and informal linguistics. The combination of these two elements in the research could lead to the existence of multidisciplinary research. This multidisciplinary research could bring a new innovation in linguistics. The innovation occurs in terms of research methods, the use of empirical data, the application of theories of linguistics, the production of critical linguistic analyses, and so forth. The examples of the multidiscipline going on today, among others, are the merging of two or more areas in the sub-discipline of linguistics which is also known as interface research, interdisciplinary research methods etc. Therefore, PALing@UKM 2018 takes the opportunity to bring together language researchers to share their findings on multidiscipline in linguistics.
Penyelidikan Multidisiplin Linguistik
Multidisciplinary Linguistics Research
13 - 15 November 2018
Hubungi Kami
International Conference on Linguistics (PALing@UKM 2018)
Linguistics Programme
School of Sustainability of Language Sciences Research Center (SOLS)
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia 43600 Bangi, Selangor MALAYSIA